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The Happy Heart

Lindsay Reilly

Updated: Mar 3, 2021

By Lindsay Reilly

This is all about journaling and why it's so helpful for you! The Happy Heart journal was designed to help writers embrace and honor their many emotions and feelings. One of the great benefits of journaling is that when you write things by hand, your brain actually processes them better and your thoughts, introspections, feelings, etc are committed to memory. You are also able to reflect upon what’s actually going on in your life from the inside out. The Happy Heart Journal takes the guesswork out of journaling by providing daily prompts to help the writing process. The prompts serve as a guide to help the writer to explore their day with purpose and reflection. This leads to greater self acceptance, compassion, and emotional literacy; while also guiding writers into their heart centers. It is in the heart where true happiness, well-being and personal transformation take form. A few more scientifically proven benefits of journaling are:

1. Daily reflections of gratitudes, which leads to an increase in positive thoughts and feelings. 2. Goal setting, which helps to not only identify and set goals but keep the writer accountable. 3. Reduce anxiety and depression by tracking moods, triggers and experiences during the day that felt good as well as not so good. This tracking of emotions will lead to greater acceptance by clearing and calming the mind. 4. Journaling boosts overall health by improving sleep, reducing stress, and being more present throughout the day. A Happy Heart is a heart that accepts and embraces one’s feelings without judgement. A Happy Heart is one that is self loving and kind. A Happy Heart is compassionate and thoughtful. A Happy Heart is powerful yet peaceful. A Happy Heart understands that there will be good days and not so good days yet is confident that each day offers an opportunity to grow. A Happy Heart is able to ask for help when needed and offer support one another is in need. A Happy Heart is a place of security and optimism. A Happy Heart doesn’t just survive it thrives.

You can journal in your own little notebook, or you can get a copy of The Happy Heart with all of its helpful prompts here!

A message from our founder, Bianca Rae: If you need help getting a copy of The Happy Heart, please email us and we will work with your parent or guardian to buy and send you one. Also, if any teachers, administrators or children's organizations want to implement these journals in classroom curriculums, the Bianca Rae Foundation would be happy to purchase them for you. Please contact us at

Lindsay Rielly is the founder of Live Your Standard and The Happy Heart Program, which are transformational, life-application programs that effectively guide clients into purposeful and joyful living; thriving opposed to surviving; emotional literacy; personal healing and overall optimal health and well-being. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of California, Los Angeles, with a degree in Gender Studies and specialties in psychology, sociology, and communications. Rielly is a published author, award-winning executive producer and owner of Continuum Entertainment, an entertainment firm with over nineteen years of talent management, branding, and event production experience. She has dedicated much of her life to causes that serve the less fortunate with a particular passion for empowering children to become self-accepting, compassionate, and purposeful individuals.



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